How to create a coupon code and how do they work (% off and $ off)

How to create a coupon code and how do they work (% off and $ off)

Please login to your admin account, once logged in, tap on the Coupons/Discounts tab on the left hand side and then Create New Coupon on the right hand side.

Once done, specify the coupon name for your reference and then the coupon code which will be distributed amongst the customers and then enter the percentage or the discount (in figures) you are offering by selecting the % or $ in the drop down option box next to it.

Then select the coupon rule if you want to specify the minimum order amount, once done, select pre-tax only if you want the customers to apply it on the Sub-Total (before tax calculation) which is generally recommended.

Enter the Start Date and the End Date of the coupon and then the duration.

Once done, please specify as to how many times a customer can use the coupon and select the appropriate option from the drop down preset.

If you want the coupons to be redeemed on all the platforms; be it your website or your application, then select All Platforms and save the changes.

Once the changes are saved, hit the update website option at the top to update the same on the website.

 Specific versus general

Generic coupon- Is a coupon that any user can use by entering the code in checkout. For example, an email is sent out to your database that gives everyone who orders $3 off when they spend $15 by entering the coupon code "thankyou".
Specific coupon- Is a coupon that can be sent only to individual users in the restaurant’s database. This coupon can only be sent when you see a Send Coupon option. They will receive an email with a link to the ordering platform where this coupon will be made available for only them to use. The coupon can be sent to multiple individuals but only one at a time.

How to enable a coupon to use for app only

The steps are the same for this as well but the only thing that needs to be done is to select “App Only” where it asks you to mention on what platforms this coupon can be redeemed. Please see the screenshot below,

How to create a coupon for a general period of time

Like mentioned above, please specify the Start Date and the End Date to make it available for a certain period of time.

How to send a customer a specific coupon code

To send any customer a specific coupon code, please go to the orders page and tap on the Actions tab for the order for which you want to issue a coupon, please see the screenshot below for your reference.

Then choose the option “Coupons” and enter the details like selecting which coupon to send, the reason for sending that coupon and then hit the Send Coupon button to send the coupon.

In what situations would we create a coupon code

In situations where you’re running a promotion to boost your sales or in situations if you’re compensating a customer for a missing item or their bad experience.

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